Nouvelles quotidiennes

Florida beaches are not affected

The Florida tourism industry says its beaches are intact.

The oil spill monster raging right now in the Gulf of Mexico could very well be the greatest ecological disaster the United States has ever experienced. Florida is taking the time to remind people that its beaches are not affected and there is still time to enjoy it.

A chief Florida tourism official issued a statement to clarify that everything is fine in the tourism industry. The state’s 1,200 km of coastline and 633 km of beaches are open and swimming and diving is no problem because the oil slick had not reached its shores.

Will Seccombe is chief marketing officer of the state tourism marketing board, VISIT FLORIDA. He stated: "My estimation is … that there are a lot of people … not choosing Florida right now, based on what could possibly happen."

However, Mr. Seccombe did add: "The only way we’ll be able to counter the negative imagery and the negative news is by being 100 percent transparent and showing … what is still beautiful and available and open for business."

Take a look at this map if you want to see the extent of the oil spill.