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France offers free Haut-Languedoc hiking guide

Former railway line converted into 60-km pathway.

Beach or mountains? That’s often the choice traveler’s have to make when planning a vacation.

If you enjoy the mountainous landscape, the Parc naturel régional du Haut-Languedoc (Regional Natural Park of Upper Languedoc) in France offers a beautiful trek for hikers. Voie Verte (Green way), is a 60-km path in Massif Central, situated between Toulouse and Montpellier, that offers a breathtaking panorama.

To help your understanding of the local flora and fauna, the park offers a free 24-page guide entitled Voie Verte du Haut Languedoc Passa Pais. The guide is available at French tourist offices.

Voie Verte is a former railway line which has been closed to motor traffic and transformed into a hiking trail that can be traveled on foot, horseback or bicycle.

Created in 1973, the park is situated in the south of the Massif Central within the Aveyron, Hérault and Tarn departments of France. These areas are considered the Haut-Languedoc, compared to the Bas-Languedoc.

In addition to the 82,000 people who reside within its boundaries, the park provides a habitat for more than 240 species of birds, in a stunningly diverse range of climate and scenery.