Nouvelles quotidiennes

France’s Lorraine region offers big savings for visitors

Over 160 tourist-friendly coupons and deals in Passport Lorraine.

Visitors to the Lorraine region of France can save money with the Passport Lorraine brochure, which includes coupons and special offers for over 160 retailers and attractions.

Available this month, Passport Lorraine includes tourist-friendly savings on museums, castles, parks and gardens, amusement and adventure parks, gourmet food and more.

Passport Lorraine-holders can, for example, enjoy discounted admission to Haroué and Malbrouck castles, or wander through the region’s well-known gardens, such as Jardins de Callunes and Le Jardin Extraordinaire.

Other coupons provide free drinks at participating restaurants and cafés, and there are deals available at a number of amusement parks, as well as discounts for attractions like the Meisenthal Glass and Crystal Museum.

Each savings passport is valid for one person until March 2012, and the coupons can be used only once. The brochure is available free online and can be ordered through La Lorraine, the region’s official tourism website.