
Fruits and vegetables, not tanning, for a healthy glow

Fruits and vegetables give a more attractive skin tone than tanning.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables gives a person’s skin a healthier and more attractive glow than sunbathing, reports a new study out of Scotland’s University of St Andrews.

Using a specialized device called a spectrophotometer, researchers measured light absorption by the skin, and found that those who had the healthiest glow ate diets high in carotenoids, antioxidant agents found in fruits and vegetables like yellow and red peppers, spinach, apricots and melons, reports the DailyMail.

They also asked volunteers to use a special computer program to manipulate the skin tone on various images until they appeared healthiest. Given options for skin tones darkened by sunbathing and those from carotenoids, the volunteers chose the carotenoid skin colour.

Carotenoids are thought to help boost the immune system and improve fertility, so a properly golden skin tone may help subconsciously signify healthiness to others; hues are often used in the animal kingdom to show good health. Male birds, for example, attract mates with bright plumage and yellow beaks.

"Our work suggests that the carotenoid colouration of human skin may represent a similar advertisement of health and fertility," explained lead researcher Dr. Ian Stephen.