
G-Eazy’s magazine cover ID

G-Eazy used a magazine cover of his face as a form of identification to get through airport security after misplacing his ID.

G-Eazy used a magazine cover with his face on to go through airport security after losing his ID.

The 28-year-old rapper’s girlfriend Halsey revealed she was feeling "annoyed" with her boyfriend – whose real name is Gerald Gillum – after he lost his identification, but his quick thinking seemed to go to plan.

The 23-year-old singer wrote on Twitter: "Gerald lost his ID and he’s trying to use the cover of @XXL as part of his additional identification to get through airport security I’m so annoyed (sic)"

But G-Eazy had the last laugh as he replied to his significant other’s tweet, confirming the XXL magazine cover was accepted.

He wrote: "It worked"

As well as dating, G-Eazy and Halsey have also collaborated together, including on track ‘Him and I’, and the ‘No Limit’ hitmaker recently admitted the pair are "intense" and "a little bit crazy" when they team up.

He said: "It’s interesting dating your co-worker and working together with them in new ways every single time. So you know, to share this stage today was a new experience and an incredible opportunity.

"We both are pretty intense. We both are a little bit crazy. And you know, that energy that you hear in the song is the energy that was there when we were bouncing ideas off of each other. You know, as we’re writing it, as we’re making it, as we’re putting it together.

"We’re very quick. When an idea is alive, we have to go in and record it right then and there because you might miss it and that excitement of an idea coming to life is a really cool thing that we both share."