Nouvelles quotidiennes

Galapagos Islands to limit number of tourists

Ecuadorian government limits number of cruise ships allowed to dock.

As of February 1, 2012, Ecuadorian officials will implement new rules that will limit the number of cruise ship passengers allowed to access the popular Galapagos Islands, reports Travel Weekly.

Beginning next year, South American tour operators will be forced to comply with the new regulations, which will allow visitors to stay for a maximum of five days and four nights. Only four ships will be allowed to land at the islands within any 14-day period.

For the past 14 years, the majority of travelers have visited the Isabela, Santa Cruz and San Cristobal islands. As part of the new arrangement, ports on Santa Fe and Tagus Cove will be open for cruise ship docking and the islands of Española, Genovesa and Fernandina will welcome smaller craft.

"The visitor redistribution that will be achieved by the opening up other islands, and altering route frequencies, will also reduce fuel consumption and the overall amount of pollution emitted by the yachts, boats and ships working the islands," explained the country’s tourism ministry.

In addition, visitors to the newly-opened islands will be given the opportunity to see rare species – such as the red-footed booby, the flightless cormorant and the albatross – in their natural habitat.