
Gene Linked to Narcolepsy

American researchers have identified a gene that is linked to narcolepsy.

A team of researchers at the National Institute of Health has found a gene that is linked to narcolepsy, a disorder that causes daytime sleepiness, characterised by sudden episodes of sleep.

The gene, called HLA-DQB1*0602, is also known for its role in the immune system.  The gene has been linked with autoimmunity, in which certain people have antibodies that attack the body’s own tissues.  Now, researchers are finding a link between narcolepsy and autoimmunity.   
"The link between narcolepsy and autoimmunity was proposed decades ago, but efforts to verify it have failed repeatedly. Current findings leave little doubt that autoimmunity plays a role," explained program director Dr. Merrill Mitler to the medical journal Nature Genetics.