
Genetically modified salmon under discussion by FDA

Advisory committee sheds light on risks associated with the creation and consumption of modified fish.

In deciding whether or not to label genetically modified salmon, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has assembled an advisory committee to shed light on the possible risks of eating the genetically modified salmon, according to

The Atlantic salmon engineered by the Massachusetts company, AquaBounty, has an added growth hormone from a Chinook salmon that allows the fish to grow twice as fast as its conventional counterparts.

According to FDA rules, the fish will not be labelled as genetically modified if the agency decides it has the same material makeup as conventional salmon. A coalition of opponents argued that the risks are real, and that there could be a danger if the genetically modified fish escaped and intermingled with the wild salmon population, which is already endangered.

The committee has determined that there is insufficient information to determine if there is a real risk to human health and the environment. FDA officials reviewed the science of the modified fish Monday, and said more data and testing may be needed to be sure the fish is safe.

Genetically engineering crops are already widely available, if approved, AquaBounty estimates modified fish could be in grocery stores within two years.