
Giovanna Fletcher opens up about being a mom

Giovanna Fletcher has admitted she felt like a "beaten woman" after looking after her children for a whole day as she recounted the highs and lows of motherhood.

Giovanna Fletcher felt like a "beaten woman" after looking after her children for a whole day.

The 31-year-old author – who has Buzz, two, and six-month-old Buddy, with McFly guitarist Tom Fletcher – opened up about the highs and lows of motherhood in a frank post on her Instagram account.

She shared: "Suddenly realised I rarely get a full day on my own with the munchkins but if I do I’ve tended to stay at home and in the garden… But today it happened. I took them out. We went to the shops. The first hour was fab – they were laughing and playing together. Then they napped… Brilliant!

"Then we met the Willis’ for lunch and it all fell to pot. Buzz didn’t want to stay in his seat and wouldn’t listen to me. Buddy continuously moaned and then had a full blown meltdown (I think he’s teething)… Now we’re home they’re laughing and playing again but I’m a beaten woman.

"Read someone’s Instagram post that read ‘You got this Mama’… Today I don’t feel ‘I got this’. Although, if you think about it, only the last hour was a disaster and the rest was fab. So it was actually a 75% successful trip. Now time for dinner, bath and bed… The fun never ends! #mumlife #wouldntchangeit #ineedaliedown xx (sic)"

Meanwhile, Giovanna previously admitted she can’t believe her sons are growing up so fast.

She said: "The moment your baby moves from your bedroom into the nursery is pretty monumental, and this week we were not only faced with Buddy doing just that, but also with Buzz moving from the nursery into his new bedroom with his brand new big boy bed (it’s shaped like a tent and is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen).

"It was a clear reminder that our boys, my two babies, are growing up at frightening speed. In many ways it feels like we’ve only just brought Buddy home, yet it’s also odd to look back at old videos with Buzz on holiday or around the house and not have that smiling (occasionally wailing) bambino with us."