
Good news about candy.

Regular consumption of candy helps you live longer.

Another argument for all things in moderation. Don’t be discouraged if your kids enjoyed some Halloween candy. According to Psychology Today, regular moderate consumption of candy might actually help you live longer. In honour of Halloween, the magazine has compiled a list of reasons for eating candy.

A study from the Harvard School of Public Health showed that people who regularly eat candy live longer. The multi-decade study found that modest candy consumption (one to three times a month) is associated with the greatest health benefit.

Another study from the University of Florida found a dose of sugar can help restore focus and willpower, allowing us to persevere at a given task.

Scientific research has also shown that chewing gum can improve mood and concentration, while reducing stress and blocking pain.

Studies have been touting the benefits of chocolate for some time; the article quoted a study where respondents who regularly consumed chocolate (five or more times a week) were 60 per cent less likely to have heart disease.

In all these studies, the relationship between sweets and health could not be accounted for by other factors like age, smoking, exercise, alcohol consumption, or weight.

Of course, experts point out that to enjoy the benefits of sweets, one must eat sparingly.