
Government steps up for Abbey Road

The British government declares the famous studios an historic site.

The Abbey Road Studios saga in London carries on. Over the past week, it was reported that the studios were up for sale and Paul McCartney was trying to put a group together to save the place. EMI Records finally said it was not for sale and announced its intention to revitalize the location.

Now the British government has jumped into the fray and given the studios a Grade II status, its second highest category.

In a press release issued yesterday (February 23), Culture Minister Margaret Hodge said, "It has huge cultural importance and a very special place in the hearts of recording artists and music lovers alike. The new listing status will ensure that, although changes to the interior are not prohibited, care must be taken to ensure that any alterations with respect to its character and interest are fully considered."

This change in classification should ensure the building’s survival. The minister adds, "The Abbey Road Studios have been listed in acknowledgement of their outstanding cultural interest and to ensure that recording artists for generations to come can continue to make and record music in the same rooms as musical icons of years gone by."

The Culture Ministry has already designated the childhood homes of John Lennon and Paul McCartney as historic sites.