
Green tea and tai chi: unbeatable combination

Study finds combo helps women improve bone density and muscle strength.

A daily routine of green tea and tai chi could help increase bone density and muscle strength while reducing inflammation in postmenopausal women, according to a new study presented at a recent Experimental Biology meeting.

Researchers at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center recruited 171 postmenopausal women who had weak bones but had not yet developed osteoporosis.

The women were divided into four groups: one group was given placebo pills and did no tai chi; another group was given green tea pills but also did no tai chi; a third group took placebo pills and did tai chi; and the fourth group both took the green tea pills and did tai chi.

Through blood and urine samples, researchers found that four to six cups of green tea a day, combined with doing tai chi, led to improved bone health within three months. By the six month mark, muscle strength had also improved.

The green tea and tai chi therapy also had a significant effect on oxidative stress – a precursor to painful inflammation.

As a positive side-effect of the study, the women doing tai chi reported that it significantly improved their quality of life by balancing their emotional and mental health.