
Gwyneth Paltrow Demonstrates Her Love

Gwyneth Paltrow decided to get a tattoo to show her husband, Chris Martin, her love.

According to FemaleFirst, the actress had a small C tattooed on her right thigh at Zulu Tattoo parlour in Selfridges department store in London.

Paltrow seemed very nervous, and the tattooist Steve Flannery took about 20 minutes to finish the design. Flannery explained, "At first she was thinking about having a tattoo on her arm, but then decided that this might affect her acting work. In the end she decided on the top of her right thigh, and joked that Chris would have fun finding it. I asked her if the C stood for Coldplay, but she said it was definitely a C for Chris. Compared to some designs I do, this was discreet and subtle, to say the least.