Pets Files

Happy New Year Max and Fluffy!

It’s a new year, and our thoughts turn to diet and exercise. Why not include your pets into your New Year’s Resolutions?  You might actually have a better chance at keeping them! But there are more things to consider than diet and exercise when it comes to being a good pet owner. Here are a few tips to a healthier lifestyle for you and your pets.

Step away from the couch

Regular exercise has obvious health benefits, but spending more time with your pet provides invaluable bonding moments too. Take your dog with you on daily runs or walks, and not only will you improve your fitness, but your dog will also develop socialization skills.

And don’t forget your Fluffy feline! Improve your hand and eye co-ordination by playing with your cat and rolling a small cat ball back and forth for him to catch.

Check-up time

You go to the doctor regularly — and so should your pet. A regular visit to your veterinarian is the best way to stay ahead of potential problems. Establishing a good baseline for your pet gives your veterinarian something to compare against to be able to determine exactly what is wrong when something isn’t quite right with your pet. Annual examinations of teeth, heart. lungs, and overall body condition will be less costly than waiting for a problem to develop.

Battle of the bulge

Include your pet in your weight loss regime. Pet obesity is on the rise and most cats and dogs could benefit from losing a few pounds. Watching their weight will help you watch your own as well.

Proper nutrition

Provide your pet, and yourself, proper nutrition. Poor skin, hair coat, muscle tone, and obesity problems can be a result of a poor diet. This year, lay off those table scraps for Max and Fluffy; consider switching to a well-balanced, high-quality pet food.

Protect their pearly whites

Does your pet have morning breath — all day? Resolve to check your pet’s teeth and gums at least once a week, and ask your vet to show you how you can prevent dental disease by brushing regularly.

Good grooming

No one wants to be around a stinky pet. Regular grooming — bathing, nail clipping, brushing out coat, parasite control — not only makes the pet more attractive, it’s much healthier for Max and Fluffy!


Keeping pets safe is something you take for granted. However, take a moment to assess the toxic chemicals used in your house and yard. Are they necessary? Where are household chemicals stored? Can your pet access them?

Create a routine

Pets crave a dependable routine. Try to create the best possible routine for both you and your pet this year. Having a routine will help reduce any accidents that your dog might have in the house.

Sharpen your mind

Have you been dreaming about going back to school to brush up on your skills? Enroll your dog in obedience school or agility training classes. Take your dog to doggy daycare, or a local dog park, so that he can learn to make new friends.