
Harrison is America’s favourite president

Ford is America’s favourite president, Harrison Ford that is.

According to an online poll, Harrison Ford has the right stuff to be a leader, reports the New York Daily News.

Harrison Ford is the most popular actor to play an American president on the big screen; he received 38% of the vote. He portrayed President James Marshall in Air Force One in 1997 and took back control of a hijacked plane from terrorists.

There was a tie for second place. Michael Douglas received 21% of the vote for playing a president in The American President in 1995. He was a widower who fell for Annette Benning. Bill Pullman received 21% of the vote as well for his portrayal of President Thomas Whitmore in Independence Day. In that film, he saved the world from alien invaders with Will Smith.

Morgan Freeman follows with 13% for his role as President Beck in 1998’s Deep Impact. Finally, Jack Nicholson closes out the top five with 7% of the vote for the film Mars Attacks!.