
Herbes de Provence Come from Somewhere Else

The majority of the spices on the market, known as "les herbes de Provence", don’t really come from Provence. reports that 96% of herbes de Provence sold in French markets are imported from Albania and Poland.

It seems that once again, it’s a challenge to buy the sought-after, special mix of herbes from the French region Provence.

Vincent Mignerat, from the spice brand Provence Tradition, said that the term "herbes de Provence" is a generic name that is used to sell these types of herb mixtures.

According to him, the biggest shock is that consumers are not being informed. He added that even in Marseille, if people in the street were asked, 80% of them wouldn’t know what exactly it is that they are buying.

The French are trying to boost production to keep up with the huge demand, and they hope to provide valid information to consumers that will indicate they are getting authentic herbs from Provence.