
Home buyer finds tree growing in living room

A home buyer has discovered a tree growing through the living room whilst hunting for their new house.

A home buyer has found a tree growing through the living room.

It is just one of the weird things discovered by potential buyers in homes on the market.

A fifth of people have admitted to finding something unusual whilst looking around their potential new house, the Daily Mirror newspaper reports.

A survey of 2,000 home buyers, commissioned by property site My Online Estate Agent, found that other weird sights seen by house hunters included carpeted walls, live chickens in the kitchen and a blacked out bathroom.

David Grundy, CEO of My Online Estate Agent said: ”First impressions are absolutely key to securing a buyer and simple things like not tidying up or cluttered rooms can instantly turn people off.

”It’s not always the extremes, like coffins hiding in the kitchen cupboard that can lose you a buyer. Simple things like unpleasant smells, dirty dishes or making buyers feel uncomfortable can stop you from securing a sale.”