
Host a screening on White Stripes Day

Watch the film made about the White Stripes 2007 Canadian tour.

It says it best on their official website, "In the summer of 2007, shortly after the release of their 6th album Icky Thump, The White Stripes headed north of their hometown of Detroit to embark on an ambitious journey across Canada. The plan was to play a show in every province and territory in Canada, from B.C. to Newfoundland to Nunavut."

To mark this debut north of the border, the White Stripes decided to make a documentary about their experience. The result is The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights.

Jack White says, "Having never done a tour of Canada, Meg and I thought it was high time to go whole hog…from the ocean to the permafrost."

The singer goes on to add, "We wanted to play out of the way towns that don’t usually get shows…the shows are better, it’s better for the people, it’s a better experience, it’s way more unique."

The band invites you to celebrate White Stripes Day on March 16.  You can host your own screening of their documentary in your hometown.

All you have to do is go on their website at for more information and to order a screening kit. The kit includes a film DVD, popcorn and peppermint swirl candy.