
Hot peppers to relieve pain?

Thanks to hot peppers, researchers hope to create a new class of non-addictive medication.

Researchers at the University of Texas have found a substance similar to capsaicin in red peppers that is generated at the site of pain in human bodies.

According to the Journal of Clinical Investigation, this discovery allowed a team led by Dr. Kenneth Hargreaves to relieve the chronic pain in mice.

Capsaicin is what causes that burning sensation in the mouth when we eat hot peppers. When we get hurt, it seems that our body releases a substance similar to capsaicin, which is the cause of the pain we feel.

However, researchers believe that the pain could be greatly reduced simply by blocking the production of this substance in the body.

Dr. Hargreaves says, "Nearly everyone will experience persistent pain at some point in their lifetime. Our findings are truly exciting because they will offer physicians, dentists and patients more options in prescription pain medications. In addition, they may help circumvent the problem of addiction and dependency to pain medications, and will have the potential to benefit millions of people who suffer from chronic pain every day."