
How pregnancy affects your skin

Now that you’re pregnant you may notice changes to your skin. Here are a few tips to help overcome any problems.

Women face many changes due hormonal changes encountered in pregnancy.  Nausea, fatigue, aches and pains, and as if that isn’t enough – you may notice changes in your skin as well.


Don’t worry; there are simple solutions to help you cope with these little inconveniences.


While pregnant, your skin may become drier, more sensitive and intolerant of your regular products. Choose mild products; moisturize your skin morning and evening; and use a moisturizing mask once or twice a week. And most importantly, drink plenty of water.


If you already have a problem with acne, it may become more irritated during pregnancy. The extra hormones in your body cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts. If it’s particularly bothersome, consult a dermatologist who can prescribe appropriate treatment for pregnant women.


When you become pregnant your body produces more hormones, which causes an increase in your pigmentation. Those with darker complexion are more prone to this condition. Pregnancy mask causes dark splotchy spots to appear on your cheeks, forehead, nose and upper lip. It usually disappears within six months after delivery. 


Pregnancy can also promote the growth of skin tags – very small, loose growths of skin that appear under your arms or breasts, or on your neck. Completely harmless, after pregnancy your skin tags may disappear. If they don’t disappear, a dermatologist can remove them.


Finally, you may notice significant hair loss approximately three months after delivery. The rise in hormones during pregnancy keeps you from losing your hair. After delivery, hormone levels return to normal causing some hair loss during the return to normal growth cycles. This problem should resolve itself within six months after the birth. To minimize hair loss, use a mild shampoo for during pregnancy.