
Hugh Jackman teases X-Men ‘fun’

Hugh Jackman says his character Wolverine will have ”fun” with Michael Fassbender’s Magneto in ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’.

Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine will have ”fun” with Michael Fassbender’s Magneto in ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’.

The actor has revealed the time-bending movie will allow for some humorous scenes when his clawed superhero travels back in time to save the mutant race.

Jackman has only ever acted opposite Sir Ian McKellen’s elder version of villain Magneto in the original ‘X-Men’ trilogy, but will come face-to-face with Fassbender’s younger incarnation in the new film.

He told MTV News: ”It’s fair to say we don’t get on that well. I get sent back to the past and he has no idea who I am, but you can imagine Wolverine has a bit of fun with that.”

The blockbuster movie directed by Bryan Singer will see stars from the two ‘X-Men’ franchises – the original trilogy and ‘X-Men: First Class’ – unite, with Jackman being joined by Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Halle Berry and a host of other A-list actors.

However, he insists the movie isn’t just a money-grabbing attempt to copy Marvel’s superhero team-up movie, ‘The Avengers’.

Jackman said: ”I think some people are saying, ‘Ah, this just sounds like an excuse to get all these actors together and make an ‘Avengers’-style movie.’ But the truth is that it’s a great script and Bryan is very ambitious to make the best movie of them all. He’s got the biggest cast, the biggest budget, and he started it all, so it’s his legacy. He’s a fan of time-travel movies, and the detail that’s gone into it is incredible.

”I’m quietly confident that it will be the biggest and the best of them all. When I sat there on that panel at Comic Con, and looked down at all the actors, you think, ‘This might be one of the best ensembles ever assembled.’ ”