
Hugh Laurie: Clint Eastwood is an icon to me

Hugh Laurie considers Clint Eastwood to be the greatest influence on his acting career and he has always looked up to the screen legend.

Hugh Laurie says Clint Eastwood is his biggest inspiration.

The 54-year-old actor has been compared to the 83-year-old star and he believes it as a good thing because he sees Clint as a screen icon, who has influenced all his acting work.

Hugh said: ”The comparison pleases me a lot, of course. I consider Clint to be a father, who educated me. I love ‘The Blues’, this primitive music that comes from the cotton fields, and its ability to calm while telling terrible stories.”

The actor was catapulted to global fame when he landed the lead role of Dr. Gregory House in medical drama ‘House’.

Hugh admits he is slightly jealous of the character he brought to life, because the fictional medical genius has a charm with women that has never come naturally to him.

Speaking to French magazine Madame Figaro, Hugh – who has now launched a career as a blues musician – said: ”I could very well be jealous of the power of seduction he seems to have over women. But I admire him too much to be so bitter. I think I was chosen to play the role because of the cynicism which seems to naturally emanate from me. If I give that impression, it’s because I’m actually very shy. ”Cynicism is my protection. It’s true that at one point I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and do medicine, but I chose to imitate him instead by becoming a rowing champion. British girls prefer muscle to brains.”