
Hugh Laurie gives in to Twitter

Hugh Laurie is now a regular Twitter user after saying he wasn’t a fan and did not ”understand” the social networking site.

Hugh Laurie has been uncovered on Twitter.

The former ‘House’ star appeared on ‘Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’ alongside Celine Dion on Tuesday (10.29.13) and the chat show host found out he had joined the micro-blogging site.

Afterwards, Jimmy tweeted: ”Hugh Laurie is officially on twitter. But you’d never guess his name – it’s @Jlumbrozo. Seriously. It is. Welcome Hugh. (sic)”

The actor and musician, who has released his critically-acclaimed debut, Let Them Talk, posted: ”Having damned this technology as the seed of Satan, I finally succumb. Let tyrants tremble. And so forth.”

The 54-year-old actor previously said he ”does not understand” the social networking phenomenon, despite pal Stephen Fry being an avid user.

But although he didn’t participate much until now, he said his friend’s comments were ”the absolute best – the cream of the crop”.

Hugh explained: ”I think if people were able to take these 140 characters and develop a poetic Western form – a haiku of our own in which all human existence could be compressed into those 140 characters – that would be a satisfying thing, but that’s not what I see when I read them.”

Hugh’s posts have mostly been about his blues music and US tour, although other messages have been more thought-provoking, such as: ”Which is the greater pleasure? The triumphant capture of a photograph, or the contemplation of it a year later?”