
Hypertension Patients are Taking Better Care of Themselves

While the number of cases of people affected with hypertension remains stable, more patients seem to be taking care of themselves than in the past.

A study conducted among 2 500 Ontario adults in 2006 showed that the statistic of people affected with hypertension remains unchanged: one in five people suffers from hypertension.

However, it seems that 66% of individuals who have high blood pressure are receiving treatments and are better able to control their condition.

The information signals a marked improvement, since a similar study conducted in 1992 revealed that only 16% of Canadians were being treated with medication.

According to the study’s principal author, Frans Leenen, the statistics taken from the Ontario population could undoubtedly apply to the rest of Canada.

Among the consequences of uncontrolled hypertension are stroke, heart attack and kidney disease.