
Idris Elba needs to DJ

Idris Elba has revealed he won’t commit to a movie role unless he has assurances from the director and producers that he can still work as a DJ during the shoot.

Idris Elba won’t star in a film unless producers still allow him to DJ on the side.

The 42-year-old star has revealed that, when he’s making movies, he always asks production companies to allow him to go off and spin records in clubs, and will be going to Ibiza this summer no matter what.

Idris said: ”I don’t have a clause but we do ask the production companies to allow me the chance to go off and spin wherever I am in the world. Most of them want to have a happy actor, so they’re like, ‘Yeah, go off, let him DJ if it makes him comfortable.’ Which is really lucky … I’m absolutely going back [to Ibiza this year].”

The ‘Long Walk To Freedom’ star also admitted that he will ”keep making music” alongside his acting work, but, doesn’t think he’s escaped the actor-turned-musician stigma, even though he released the album ‘Idris Elba Presents mi Mandela’ last year.

Speaking to ShortList magazine, Idris said: ”I think the test will be the next album I do. It’ll be whether people go, ‘Oh, alright, let’s have a listen’ based on the music they liked from the first album. To be honest, I’m going to keep making music regardless of whether people love it or not. I can actually be more personal, and more honest to anyone that’s interested via my music than I can when I’m acting.”