
Is Charlie Sheen Headed for Splitsville?

Brooke Mueller’s divorce threat may have triggered Sheen’s aggression.

Things are not looking good for Charlie Sheen and wife Brooke Mueller. The couple are now living separately, Sheen in Los Angeles and Mueller in Aspen. According to a source close to the couple, divorce may be impending. "Brooke and Charlie still love each other, but they are very different," the source confided to People magazine.

The estranged couple, who have nine-month- old twin sons, recently decided to give their relationship another try and opted for counselling. The source went on to explain that "divorce is definitely a possibility," and added, "For the good of the children they definitely want to see if counselling will help before anything further is decided."

Sheen and Mueller have certainly had their share of marital scuffles recently. A close source mentioned that the drama broke out when Brooke began to talk about separating and a possible divorce, which may have been the culprit behind Sheen’s trip to the slammer on Christmas Day. The actor was later arrested for second-degree assault and criminal mischief. However, the celebrity denies having threatened his wife at knife-point as has been reported.

Before beginning their scheduled therapy sessions, the couple is taking some badly needed alone time. Mueller was spotted Monday (December 28) at a nightclub with some friends.