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Is Karl Lagerfeld retiring?

Chanel quiets retirement rumours circulating about its creative designer.

There are whispers that Karl Lagerfeld is on the verge of naming a successor to take over as Chanel’s head designer. Then the path would be clear for him to retire.

In the fashion industry, rumour now has it that Lanvin’s Alber Elbaz will replace Lagerfeld at the helm of Chanel.

But Lagerfeld told last November: "Retirement is not one of the topics with which I deal. Why should I? I still have so many projects that I sometimes don’t know where to begin. Chanel will still need some clothes when I’m 89."

Those pesky rumours will not go away so Chanel released a statement to end it once and for all, Vogue UK reports.

A Chanel rep says, "Karl Lagerfeld is the creative designer of Chanel and has a long-term contract with the company. Replacing him is not an issue.