
Is Nutella harmful to health?

The EU causes a storm by declaring Nutella is harmful to your health.

A few days ago, several media outlets reported the European Union had declared war on the popular Nutella chocolate-hazelnut spread.

Under new standards to fight obesity, European Union wanted to put a red warning label on Nutella jars that read "product hazardous to health." The EU reasoning is that the spread contains 60% sugar and palm oil and is as addictive as cigarettes.

This proposal was voted down and there is no question of banning Nutella spread.

There is a compromise in the works though. The Associated Press reports: "The European Parliament approved a draft measure this week requiring all processed foods to have fat, salt and sugar contents clearly labelled on packaging, mostly on the front."

There’s been a massive uproar in Italy where Nutella is very popular and has become part of the culture. It is made by Italian chocolate maker Ferrero. Many Facebook and other groups have been created like one called "Hands off Nutella."