Éphémérides (anglais)

It happened on a… September 11

Find out about the main events that have taken place on this day over the years.


Carlos Alcaraz, 19, of Spain, wins the US Open tennis final on September 11. This is his first Grand Slam title. He becomes the youngest world number 1 since the creation of the ATP ranking in 1973.


One million march on this state’s national day in Barcelona in support of independence for Catalonia


In the U.S., four airliners were hijacked and were intentionally crashed. Two airliners hit the World Trade Center, which collapsed shortly after, in New York City, NY. One airliner hit the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Another airliner crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. About 3,000 people were killed.


Pete Rose (Cincinnati Reds) achieved hit number 4,192 to break the record held by Ty Cobb.


Pope John Paul II arrives in Montreal; visits St-Joseph Oratory, beatifies Marie-Léonie Paradis; celebrates mass at Olympic Stadium before 65,000 people, then in the evening at Jarry Park.


The Atari 2600, originally known as the Atari Video Computer System (Atari VCS) is released in North America, revolutionizing the video game industry.


“Little House On The Prairie” made its television debut.


XX Summer Olympic Games close in Munich, German.


The Ford Pinto is introduced.


Beatles’ “Help!,” album goes #1 & stays #1 for 9 weeks.


Enid Blyton publishes “Five on a Treasure Island” first of her “Famous Five” children’s novels, start of one of the best-selling children’s series ever with over 100 million sold.


Centre span of the second Quebec Bridge collapses, killing 13 workers; had been rebuilt in 1907.


German astronomer Max Wolf rediscovers Halley’s comet.