It happenned on a… 14 April

Find out about the main events that have taken place on this day over the years.


Justin Trudeau, son of long-serving Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, is elected leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.


Icelandic Volcano Eyjafjallajökull begins erupting from the top crater in the centre of the glacier


The Human Genome Project is completed with 99% of the human genome sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99%.


Metallica file a lawsuit against P2P sharing phenomenon Napster. This lawsuit eventually leads the movement against file-sharing programs.


America’s first space shuttle, Columbia, returned to Earth after a three-day test flight. The shuttle orbited the Earth 36 times during the mission.


In Chicago, Illinois, videotape is first demonstrated.


Hydro-Québec founded by the Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission after the Duplessis government expropriates Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated and its subsidiary, Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company; after public criticism of poor service and high rates.


The first Volvo car premieres in Gothenburg, Sweden.


The Atlantic passenger liner Titanic, on its maiden voyage hit an iceberg and began to sink. 1,517 people lost their lives and more than 700 survived.


Canada sets denominations of currency as dollars, cents, & mills


US President Abraham Lincoln is shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington; he dies a day later.