
It Looks Like Divorce for Ronnie Wood

Rolling Stones guitarist, Ronnie Wood, may have to pay $92.5 million to divorce his wife.

Rumours of a divorce are circulating for the 61-year-old musician.  His wife of 20 years, Jo, has hired a divorce lawyer.

Apparently Jo made the decision to move forward with a divorce after photographs of Wood and his Russian lover, Ekaterina Ivanova, were released on the Internet.  A close friend of the guitarist said, "Jo has had enough of his behaviour. She feels humiliated, spurned and furious."

Now, Jo Wood plans on making the musician pay for his mistakes.  He is estimated to be worth $129.5 million, and Mrs. Wood hopes to collect $92.5 million.

Ronnie Wood has been having problems since last July.  He admitted to his wife that he was having an affair with a young Russian woman, and then entered a detoxification centre.