
It’s all daddy’s fault

Lindsay Lohan says she started doing drugs because of her father.

Lindsay Lohan spoke for the first time about her drug and alcohol problems to Britain’s The Sun newspaper. She says she learned about drug use from her father, Michael.

She told the paper, "I was only aware of cocaine because of my dad. I was terrified of it. But I tried it because I was stubborn, stupid, and wanted to see what it was like."

Lohan was arrested two times in 2007 for driving under the influence and both times was found with cocaine in her possession. She has been to rehab three times.

She adds, "It’s not something I ever want to do again," she says of the drug. "It made me feel like s***. It became uninteresting to me. I’m hyper anyway and I have that kind of personality so I don’t need something like that."

 She said that her substance abuse issues got worse when her father started talking to the media about her in 2007.

She recalls one terrifying evening when she passed out, "I’d run a bath and fallen asleep on the floor and the bath had overflowed," she recalls. "When I woke up, I was so scared. I called my therapist and said, ‘Can I just go somewhere for a month?’" she says. "I’m around bad people and I need to take care of myself."

Today, Lohan says she is off drugs but does consume alcohol. The difference now is she knows her limits and stay within them. She says she has learned from her mistakes.