
Jaime King: Jessica Alba made me a ‘great’ mother

Jaime King admits she’s picked up how to be a ”great” mother from her pal Jessica Alba and watching her juggle motherhood with a high-demanding career.

Jaime King credits Jessica Alba for teaching her how to be a ”great” mother.

The 34-year-old actress welcomed her son James Knight into the world five months ago with her husband Kyle Newman and admits the 32-year-old star – who has daughters Honor, five, and Haven, two – has helped her adapt to motherhood.

She told E! News: ”Jessica Alba is the godmother to my son James Knight. She is such an incredible parent and I chose her because she really showed me what it is like to be a great mum and a great working mum.”

The ‘Hart of Dixie’ star has picked up tips on how to juggle being a mother with having a globe-trotting career from Jessica, who runs her own business The Honest Company, which creates toxin-free household goods, nappies, and body care products.

She explained: ”It was really just watching her over the years, the balance that she creates. She had kids before anyone in our group of friends did and I thought after having a baby, how much courage that takes and how much information you need to know…and watching Jessica really come to her own and create this Honest [company] of all of these products that are good for the planet, good for children. It’s just so great knowing I have someone that is like a sister that did so much for women and families.”