
Jake Bugg doesn’t watch others perform

Jake Bugg admits he doesn’t want other artists perform because it makes him judge his own ability.

Jake Bugg doesn’t watch other artists perform because he thinks it ”messes with your head a bit.”

The 20-year-old singer claims he’s only been to seven gigs in his life because he’s worried seeing other people perform will make him doubt his own talent.

Speaking in NME magazine, he said: ”I think as a performer it messes with your head a bit. You think, ‘What are they doing that I’m not doing?’ when you should just get on with what you do.”

The ‘Lightening Bolt’ hitmaker prefers to focus on his own music instead and admits he feels he’s let himself down if he doesn’t play music one day.

He explained: ”I feel disappointed if I don’t pick up my guitar in the day. I feel like I’ve not done anything, I’m not being productive. Relaxing for me is writing songs and having my guitar there.”

Meanwhile, Jake has already started work on tracks for his new album, which will be the follow-up to his 2013 ‘Shangri La’ collection, but is determined to stay tight-lipped on the content until nearer the release date.

He said: ”I’ve been trying to keep what I’m doing under wraps at the minute. A producer or someone could stick me on the mics and I’ll just make something up on the spot and not share the ideas that I’ve actually spent a bit of time on because I just want to have a bit more time with it.”