
Jake Bugg writes songs naked

Jake Bugg sleeps nude and if inspiration strikes during the night, he doesn’t bother getting dressed and just pens the track how he is.

Jake Bugg writes songs naked.

The 19-year-old singer sleeps nude and if inspiration strikes during the night, he doesn’t take the time to even get dressed before penning the track.

He said: ”I play the guitar naked. First thing in the morning if I’ve got a tune in my head.”

Jake – who briefly dated Cara Delevigne earlier this year – admits he knows little about fashion and found it hilarious when he was asked to take part in a photoshoot for a men’s style magazine.

He said: ”This guy was pulling all these clothes off this rail. One of them looked like something that’d been under the kitchen sink for two years. He said, ‘This is a museum piece’. I was like, ‘You wanna take it back there.’ ”

The ‘Lightning Bolt’ hitmaker also laughed off speculation about his drug use, insisting he wouldn’t encourage anyone to use illegal substances as his previous experiences haven’t gone well.

Speaking to Q magazine, he said: ”Some people seem to have a perception I’m into hard drugs too. I suppose from the lyrics on the first album, especially ‘Seen It All’ and the reference to pills. But all I was saying in that was I did something once and it didn’t end well, so, y’know, don’t f***ing do it.”