
Janet Jackson Blames the Doctor

Janet Jackson believes that her brother’s doctor is responsible for his death.

The singer and sister of the late Michael Jackson recently spoke out about her brother’s death.  She says that not only is Dr. Conrad Murray to blame for the untimely death, but he should no longer be allowed to practice medicine.
During a special In the Spotlight interview with ABC News, Janet revealed to Robin Roberts, "He was the one that was administering. I think he is responsible."
Dr. Conrad Murray, who was the King of Pop’s personal physician, is the focus of an ongoing investigation for manslaughter for Michael’s death on June 25 this year.
Michael Jackson died at the age of 50 following an overdose of propofol.  Murray has confessed to administering the drug to his client, but denies giving him anything that could have killed him. "I will be fine. I have done all I could do. I told the truth," said Murray about the investigation.
Janet Jackson also revealed how difficult it’s been to deal with her brother’s death.  She explained, "It’s been a tough year. You have your days where it’s just really — it’s hard to believe. And a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about him."
She added, "It’s still so difficult for me to believe. It’s, you know, you have to accept what is. But it’s hard. You have to move on with your life. You have to accept what is and I understand that."
The singer also revealed that she had seen her brother just two days before his death.  She recalled that he was very happy and they laughed a lot together that day.