
Janet Jackson Thinks Michael Is Not Ready

Janet Jackson does not think her famous brother Michael is ready to go back on stage.

According to Janet Jackson, the King of Pop should not be participating in the Jackson 5 reunion, which foresees doing concerts in the next year.

According to FemaleFirst, the 41-year-old singer is doubtful about her brother’s capability of singing in a group. This opinion is not shared by Michael’s older brothers. Jermaine, who announced the Jackson 5 reunion, thinks Michael has to be a part of it for it to be really successful.

Janet explained, "I know it’s been kind of tough for Mike. Maybe he just wants to continue to be a solo artist and if that’s what he wants, you have to respect his wishes."

The star does admit that Michael’s presence will have an impact on the success of the reunion.  She added, "But what an impact it (a reunion) would have on the world. (I’d) be the first in line to buy a ticket."

There are rumours that there will be concerts in London this summer.