
Jay-Z says Timbaland had ‘ego’ problems

Jay-Z has revealed he clashed with Timbaland while working on ‘The Blueprint 3’ in 2009 because the superstar producer struggled to "put all ego aside" during the project.

Jay-Z says Timbaland’s "ego" caused their friendship to break down while working on ‘The Blueprint 3’.

The hip-hop star claims the producer couldn’t deal with "the process" of making the 2009 album and thought of it more as a solo project than a collaboration.

Jay-Z told BBC Radio 1: "The fall-out happened at the end of that album… A couple of songs was getting leaked and they were his songs, and it just ruined the whole process.

"Kanye [West], who was executive producer of ‘Blueprint 3’ was like, let’s get Tim, let’s bring Tim in, and we were all inviting of him and he just wasn’t accepting of the process.

"It seemed like it was more about him than the actual album. When you go and make an album, you have to put all ego aside … He wasn’t accepting of that thing and that was almost the last straw type of thing, and we just went our separate ways."

Timbaland and the ‘Empire State of Mind’ hitmaker eventually reconciled and worked together on Jay-Z’s recent ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’ record.

The rapper said: "I’d seen a new Timbaland, he had this maturity and this growth and I was like, ‘Oh, OK, this is gonna work out’."