
Jennifer Garner hangs with Jessica Biel

Jennifer Garner enjoys playing Jessica Biel’s best friend in their latest movie rather than being only surrounded by men.

Starpulse reports that Jennifer Garner was happy to play alongside Jessica Biel in the film Valentine’s Day because it gave her a chance to hang out with a female colleague.

Garner and Biel play best friends in this new romantic comedy. Garner says she immediately connected with Biel after spending so many years surrounded only by male actors.

She explains, "We don’t work with a lot of women on our films. And I haven’t worked much at all lately, to tell you the truth. The two weeks I worked on this movie were the only two weeks I’ve worked in about a year-and-a-half because of being pregnant and now having a one year old."

She adds that when she works, she is always the only woman surrounded by a cast of men.
"So on this film, it was great to have someone like Jessica around, even though most of our scenes as best friends were over the phone."

Biel concurs with Garner, saying, "You never really bond with all the guys in your cast like they do with each other."

Valentine’s Day hits theatres on February 12 and stars Jessica Alba, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey, Anne Hathaway, Taylor Lautner, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift and many others.