
Jennifer Garner’s Stalker Arrested

Charges are being filed against a man who has been stalking Jennifer Garner for years.

Prosecutors say they’ve charged a man for harassment and breach of a restraining order set forth to prevent him from approaching the actress and her family, reports Starpulse.
Monday (December 14), Steven Burky was arrested in Santa Monica near the school of Violet Affleck, Garner and Ben Affleck’s eldest daughter.
A spokesperon for the lawyers explained that Burky was being indicted in Los Angeles.
Jennifer Garner requested a restraining order against the man in November 2008, believing that he was a danger to her and her family.  The actress stated that he’s been stalking her since 2002.
The star recently spoke about the situation, "Mr. Burky has been stalking and harassing me."  She added that he has sent packages and letters to her filled with paranoid delusional thoughts, and even followed her across the country.  Garner feels that his obsessive behaviour has reached a point where it has become dangerous and threatening.
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have two daughters, Violet, 4, and Seraphina, 11 months.