
Jennifer Lawrence’s plane anxiety

Jennifer Lawrence suffers from terrible plane anxiety and once tried to jump out of a plane when it was at 35,000 feet in the air.

Jennifer Lawrence once tried to jump out of a plane at 35,000 feet in the air.

The ‘mother!’ star suffers from extreme "plane anxiety" and she admits there was one time when she got so claustrophobic that she desperately tried to make an exit.

She said: "I tried to jump out of an Air France flight once. I can’t believe I didn’t get arrested. I got really claustrophobic and I had to get out."

And the 27-year-old actress worries about "losing control of herself" mid-flight.

She added to Entertainment Weekly: "It’s scary not being able to control yourself – I’ve recently had problems with plane anxiety and it’s really similar. I’m not afraid of the airplane, I’m afraid of me on the airplane and losing control of myself …

"I do always worry I’ll just stand up mid-flight and scream, ‘We’re all going down!’ I’ve done that. You know when they hit an air pocket and it feels like you’re falling? I did it on a night flight one time, ‘We’re going down! It’s coming down!’"

It comes after Jennifer revealed she has 10 men "sleeping outside" her home but doesn’t "really like to complain" about it because people says she is not being appreciative of her fame.

She said: "I am so booked up for the next few years that there is no time. I took advantage of some time off after ‘Hunger Games’ and tried to go on vacation with some of my girlfriends but then we found out a disgusting paparazzo had been following us with a long lens the whole time, so that ruined it and we had to leave after two days.

"There are 10 men sleeping outside my house and I see them every morning and it’s not lovely. I’ve talked about it a lot with other actors who have the same problems but we don’t really like to complain about it because if we do people go, ‘Shut up, millionaires.’ and say, ‘You’re so lucky.’ And yes we are lucky but I deserve the right to have control over my image. I would prefer that the only time somebody sees me is when I am in a film, or in character or if I am promoting a movie."