
Jessica Biel Wants To Be a Bad Girl

Jessica Biel believes that her good girl image could be costing her some interesting film roles.

The actress is thinking about revamping her image to become a Hollywood bad girl. She believes that living the straight and narrow is keeping her from snagging juicy film roles.

Biel prefers to lay low with her boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, who is a regular at the party scene. However, she’s worried that she hasn’t done enough to raise any tabloid-worthy interest.

"I might just be way too boring to ever be a really great actress," she told Vogue magazine, adding that she needs to spice things up.

When she was still a minor, Biel posed half-nude in Gear magazine, a big mistake that has taught her a valuable lesson. She described the experience as an embarrassment, and that she had to apologize to everyone, including her parents. Since then, the star has been playing it safe, steering clear of anything that would put her behind bars.

Jessica Biel recently climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa in order to raise funds and awareness for victims of the drinking water crisis.