
Jessica finds it funny

Jessica Simpson was asked about comments John Mayer made about their sex life.

In an online video, Jessica Simpson laughs when a TMZ paparazzi asks her what she thinks about comments made by her ex, John Mayer.

In Playboy’s March issue, Mayers kisses and tells and says Simpson was a sexual bomb. "That girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy…Did you ever say, ‘I want to quit my life and just f*****’ snort you? If you charged me $10,000 to f*** you, I would start selling all my s*** just to keep f****** you.’"

Simpson responded with a chuckle and "I have no comment." The singer likes to box and was asked if she had KO’d the singer. She simply said, "No", before getting into a car to leave.

In the same interview, John Mayer talks about another ex, Jennifer Aniston, and also uses some racist language. He  publically apologized for his comments this week.