
Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Hudson appear in Weight Watchers ad

(Relaxnews) – Just as you’re polishing off the holiday leftovers, Weight Watchers has launched its new ad campaign featuring US stars Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson.

In the ad, both famous singers discuss their history with fad diets and struggles with body image. "I naturally became a healthier me," says Hudson, who dropped ten dress sizes back in 2010, when she was Weight Watchers’ celebrity spokesperson. Simpson took on that job in May and dropped more than 50 pounds (about 23 kilos). She says: "I amazed myself."

The commercial is "refreshing," writes blog Blisstree. "And unlike the models and celebrities repping so many fitness gadget and diet book ads this time of year, the two women have legitimately dealt with big weight loss struggles — and while both appear to be at a healthy weight, neither has gotten underweight or gone to an extreme, either."

However, with Simpson pregnant with another baby, she has reportedly dropped the program. She recently showed off her baby bump on Twitter.

Watch the clip: