
Jessica Simpson’s Father Gets Too Close

In addition to meddling in Tony Romo’s career, Jessica Simpson’s father is now hoping to sell the news of their engagement.

According to the latest edition of Us Weekly magazine, Jessica Simpson’s father, Joe, is the reason for the recent breakup between Jessica and Tony Romo.
A source revealed that Joe asked Romo, 28, to drop his current agent and hire him to negotiate his NFL contract, worth $67.5 million US. 
Joe Simpson also offered to sell the news of the couple’s engagement and marriage.  The singer’s father said, "If you guys have a marriage, I can do the same [sell it] that I did with Ashlee.’"
Joe Simpson has decided to defend himself, saying, "It’s unfair to criticize me for what every manager does for his or her clients. And in this business, where people can quickly turn on you, who better than a parent to be working for his children?"
For now, Romo is giving his relationship with Simpson another chance, as long as her father stops interfering.