
Jim Carrey: God protected me from lions and snakes

Jim Carrey claims God protected him while he was left alone on a mountain top with just a knife to protect him from lions and rattle snakes during a "vision quest" in Arizona.

Jim Carrey saw God while stranded on a mountain top with only a knife to protect him from lions and snakes.

The 51-year-old actor claims the Holy Spirit protected him while he was on a "vision quest" in Arizona with the Lakota Indians, who left him alone for 24 hours on a peak in sweltering heat with just a 7ft blanket and the weapon to ward off deadly animals.

He said: "I fasted for four days, I spent time in a sweat lodge and then they came in the middle of the night with a pick-up truck and blindfolded me and drove me to the top of this sacred mountain where they’d had these vision quests for a thousand years.

"They left me in a little 7ft circle with a blanket and only a tiny knife to fight off cougars, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, ¬scorpions and whatever else was there.

"It was so hot it felt like 150 degrees and I thought I was dying at one point.

"I had 12 ounces of water to last me 24 hours and I watched the mountain all day, wondering what they meant by the visions.

"What happens is the shadows change and they talk to you and when you ask questions you get answers and that was happening.

"Then at night I got tired of standing and I lay down on this little Indian blanket and I was really frightened.

"The coyotes were howling and the place was full of rattlesnakes, and I actually spoke out loud and said, ‘God I’m scared, be with me’.

"And at that point the mountain range that was above me became the perfect shape of a man laying on his back beside me.

"All the fear left my body and I lay there thinking, ‘This is really happening. I’m actually seeing God and I can’t believe it. I’m so lucky’."

The ‘Yes Man’ star insists he wasn’t frightened after seeing God and was in "complete bliss" following the experience.

He added to the Daily Mirror newspaper: "I wasn’t scared anymore and then later the moon came up and changed the shadows and the face turned and was smiling at me, and I was just in complete bliss. I was as light as a feather.

"The next day when the chief came I asked him if he had seen the man lying on his back and he said he had never seen it."