
John Legend: Parents’ divorce was tough

John Legend found it ”traumatic” when his parents divorced when he was 10 and credits the support of his school for helping him through.

John Legend found it ”traumatic” when his parents split up.

The ‘All of Me’ hitmaker – who is married to Chrissy Tiegen – knows divorce is common in modern society, but admits he initially struggled to cope when his mother and father went their separate ways when he was a child.

He told People magazine: ”I was 10 years old when my parents got divorced. It’s a pretty common story in America, and it’s a pretty tough time for kids, especially if they’re still at home in the middle of growing up.”

”Seeing my family fall apart was a traumatic moment.”

John – who is working with Turnaround for Children, an organisation which helps schools through teacher training – credits the ”emotional support” he received at school for getting him through the difficult time.

He said: ”It was important to have teachers and counselors at school who could give emotional support.

”All of these people took extra time to show me that they cared and were going to hold me accountable.”

The 35-year-old singer was very proud to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania and thinks completing his English studies was a sign he could go on to be successful.

He said: ”One of the most determining factors of your success in life is whether you stick with something. Finishing school is a manifestation of that.”