
John Lennon’s killer reveals motives

Mark Chapman explains to parole board he wanted to be famous.  




John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman, has finally revealed that fame was the reason he killed the former Beatle in 1981, reports Spinner.


Last week, Chapman, 55, was denied his request for parole for the sixth time. At his hearing he revealed that what drove him to take Lennon’s life was that he wanted to be a “somebody.” Ironically, almost 30 years later, the convicted killer is still making news.


In an interview, Chapman stated, "I wasn’t thinking clearly. I made a horrible decision to end another human being’s life, for reasons of selfishness. I felt that by killing John Lennon I would become somebody and instead of that, I became a murderer and murderers are not somebodies." 


Chapman admitted he had made a list of possible targets including former TV talk show host Johnny Carson and actress Elizabeth Taylor.


Chapman believes himself to be a different person, and claims to have found Jesus–a familiar refrain for would-be parolees.