
John Mayer Shuns Media Attention

John Mayer does not understand all the fuss revolving around his relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

According to recent rumours, the singer, who has recently gone on several dates with actress Jennifer Aniston, has a hard time dealing with all the attention he has received in regards to his private life, reported FemaleFirst.
He stated, "Listen, this is not a scandal, this is not an issue, this is not a problem, this needs no spin control."
He added that he wants nothing more than to live his life, and that no one is responsible for helping him do that. In addition, he said that there are many other tragic things in the world.
On April 23, Mayer flew to Miami to meet Aniston and spent time with her while she was filming Marley & Me. Mayer also sent flowers to his new sweetheart for every day he spent with her.