
Jon Bon Jovi and Gwen Stefani Team for Lawsuit

Jon Bon Jovi and Gwen Stefani are accusing a bar of using their music without their permission.

The singers have filed a lawsuit against the owners of a bar in the United States, claiming that their music is being used without authorisation.

According to court documents filed last month, Bon Jovi and Stefani are demanding the owners of Sally’s Saloon and Eatery in Minneapolis to stop using their songs to entertain their customers, because they do not own the proper music licence to do so.  The stars are suing for unspecified damages.

Jon Bon Jovi and his band mates are also the subject of a lawsuit at the moment.  Samuel Bartley Steele has appealed the rejection of his 400 billion dollar breach of copyright lawsuit against the band, Time Warner and Major League Baseball (MLB).  The man claims that the Bon Jovi song, I Love This Town, is a replica of the song he wrote for the Boston Red Sox, called (Man I Really) Love This Team, which was released in October 2004.